Get to know Ladybird Lanes Staff

the wonderful team of Ladybird Lane .
Meet Our Award Winning Team

Our Management Team

Our Baby Department Team

Our Toddler Department Team

Our Pre Pre Department Team

Our Pre-School Department

Our Afterschool Department

Our Early years Nursery Support Team

Our Seasonal Support Team

Our Support Team

early day-care professionals .
We believe our staff play a vital role in providing the highest possible care for your family. We look for personal qualities in our staff such as dedication, commitment, energy, enthusiasm, plus the ability to relate well to your child and to you the parents. 100% of staff hold a relevant Childcare qualification with over 99% at diploma/level 3, level 5, level 7, or an early year’s degree. In addition, all staff have had first aid training, child protection, behavior management and food hygiene. Staff will regularly attend various training and research courses to keep their knowledge up to date with the latest changes.
All staff and students under-go Access NI checks and SOS care Checks before employment.
Staff are deployed to playrooms depending on the needs of each room so that we can maintain the proper child/staff ratios. All staff photos will be displayed on the app and new staff will be introduced to parents.